Journey through Franciacorta
Journey through Franciacorta

Armando Castagno

Journey through Franciacorta

A diary

This volume is a narrative and iconographic journey through the lands of Franciacorta.
The text by Armando Castagno, author, taster, creator and director of in-depth courses throughout Italy for the Italian Sommelier Association, is a novel that accompanies the reader through the places of Franciacorta, enhanced by the photographs taken ad hoc for the volume by photographer Andrea Federici.

This volume is a narrative and iconographic journey through the lands of Franciacorta.
The text by Armando Castagno, author, taster, creator and director of in-depth courses throughout Italy for the Italian Sommelier Association, is a novel that accompanies the reader through the places of Franciacorta, enhanced by the photographs taken ad hoc for the volume by photographer Andrea Federici.

Contrai -
Prezzo: € 49,00
Collana: Fuori Collana
In libreria dal: 06/12/2024
ISBN: 9788812012275
Pagine: 304
Dimensioni: 19 x 26.2 cm
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Prezzo: €
Collana: Fuori Collana
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Gli autori

Armando Castagno

Born in Rome in 1969, a graduate in Law and in Historical-Artistic Studies at the Sapienza University, he has written about sport from 1986 to 2013 and about wine culture since 1998. He taught History of Art and Geography of Terroir for ten years at the UNISG in Pollenzo, and currently holds wine-themed courses for Treccani Accademia, in various national venues. He has published a good dozen volumes to date, including ‘Burgundy – The Vineyards of the Côte d’Or’ (2017). ‘Journey through Franciacorta. A diary’ (2024), is his first book for Treccani and the first with narrative content.

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